Week of Thankful 4.7

It's the end of the week of Thankful. Today, I will post some of the most important things I am thankful for. I can't compile a comprehensive list or I'd be here all day. But here's a list of some of the things I am most thankful for. 

Today, I'm Thankful for....

...my family...
They mean the world to me. My parents, my brothers, sisters in law and nephews...cousins, aunts uncles...adopted 'brothers & sisters'...all blood in my blood. Some crazy sits here, some normal sits here. Some quiet, some loud. Some easy moments, some hard moments. Some gleeful moments, some tearful. We walk together bound by blood, bound by family. Bound by love. it's not perfect, but it's mine. It's not normal, but it's mine. And God gave it to me, and I'm thankful.

...the cross where Jesus died, the tomb where He rose....
Because He died, I am alive. Because He conquered death, I can live more vibrantly now. He brought peace between my broken, sick heart when it warred with God Himself. While I was His enemy, He died for me...giving me freely the ability to have a right relationship with His own loving heart. Thankful doesn't even begin to touch this.

oceans, mountains, freshly fallen snow, foggy mornings, blazing fires, babies laughs, tiny feet, toddler hugs, the stars at night, rolling hills, fragrant roses, beauty that would break your heart, the magic of Christmas, forehead kisses, the eyes of a wise old person, black & white photos, God's word, poetry, falling leaves in autumn, the perfect shade of a tree in summer, the stirring quiet of a lonely night, lush and moving musical arrangements....all of these things inspire me to create, to be more, to exist on a plane higher than my own two-dimensions. I could be broken into a thousand pieces by any of these moments, the inspiration is so precious to me. It skims the surface of my soul and draws out vulnerable like nothing else....I'm thankful for every moment that inspires me.

...loving people...
a few years ago, in "My Best Friend's Wedding," There is a line where one character says to another that if you love someone, you tell them. You don't waste the moment. I agree whole heartedly. There is a tendency in life to not live as if tomorrow will not come. Maybe it won't. And if it doesn't, do the people you love know that you love them? I pray that one day, when I leave the silver thread of my life is severed that those I loved know that they were loved. And loved well. I'm thankful for opportunities to love well. If it be in gift, or word or service or touch or time....I love deep, I love hard, I love strong...I love fiercely and it is a privilege to do so. I'm thankful for each person God has let me love.

...being rich...
I'm by no means materially wealthy according to modern standards. I couldn't afford a home on my own or buy anything of significance for me. But I am rich in ways that no one can put a tag on. There is a bed to sleep in, a warm house to keep me toasty in winter and cool in the summer, a family who loves me, a community of believers who don't let me stray, more food than I can eat in a day in my home, more clothes than I can wear in a day, running water, modern technology, a job, and hope. This all makes me the richest girl on earth. According to Oscar Wilde, "Who, being loved is poor?" Well...if that be the case, I am hardly poor. I am loved strongly, deeply and loyally. I am thankful to be so rich.

There is so much more I could be thankful for....more posts to come on gratitude in future weeks, but for now, I'm wrapping up with my week of Thankful with this post. God Bless you, thanks for reading through and come back soon for more thoughts on life & God. 



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