
I intend ....

To give second chances....
......& third & fourth & fifth & sixth & seventh chances...

To say 'Thank You'.....
......and mean it.

To be real... any cost, even if it means people don't like me.

To say 'I'm sorry'....
.....whenever it's necessary & sometimes when not, because people need that.

To laugh.... often as possible, it heals.

To not fear mistakes....
.....because growth never comes from perfection

To be happy.....'s a choice and mine, no one will steal this ground from me again.

To dream.....
....because even if it never happens, I'll be inspired.

To believe.....
.....never giving up, not ever. Hope can never be too much.

To look for magic.....
.....because it comes in unexpected ways

To love.....
....without condition, strings or expectations. Love deep, strong and wide.

To live....
....not just exist


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