This Time Of Year...

This time of year,
There is only one thing
That my heart truly longs for.
Not kisses, not warmth or drugs -
Not coffee, not soda or hugs.

This time of year
There is only one thing
That can bring satisfaction
Like hope in a silver sleeve
They glimmer and breathe

This time of year,
There is only one thing
That makes me sigh happy.
Like manna from girls clad in green
Best frozen and icily pristine.

This time of year,
There is only one thing
That whets this appetite
Dark Chocolate and Minty
The green box is what I'm hinting.

This time of year,
There is only one thing
That I could love more than coffee
Yes, you know, from all of the hints...
A box full of Thin Mints.


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